48 FREE Survival PDF Downloads

The Urban Prepper really went overboard on this one because he’s compiled all of the survival PDF files he’s created over the years and is giving them away for free!

He’s included files covering a wide range of topics, including several versions of an Altoid’s tin survival kit, bug out bag kits, EDC, vehicle preparedness, the survival cheat sheet I linked to a few weeks back, and plenty more. It’s really a wonderful resource he’s offering us today.

In order to get it for yourself, you need to go directly to the YouTube video and click on the link in the description that says: “ALL PDF’s, 1 ZIP…” which is followed by the actual ZIP file link. (FYI, I would link directly to the ZIP file, but it’s not mine to directly give away.)

After the file downloads you’re going to need to extract the contents (here’s how if you need guidance) or you can use something like 7-Zip which is free and a program I’ve used in the past, though, there are certainly other options and it’s probably not necessary if you have a relatively recent version of Windows or Mac.

Note: This extraction process is best done on your computer and not on a tablet or smartphone. Regardless, the extraction process really isn’t that complicated, but it can be frustrating if you’re not very familiar with computers.

Anyway, here’s the video about the PDF downloads below; just be sure to go directly to the video description to get the PDF link, enjoy…

Power outages are increasingly frequent, leaving families, like yours, vulnerable and unprepared. Have you truly thought about what would happen if you lost power for days, weeks, or even longer? How horrible would a summer heatwave be without air conditioning? How deadly would a winter storm be without heat? Most people don’t believe problems like these can happen to them, but history has proven them wrong repeatedly.

Introducing The Lost Generator — a wonderful solution for ensuring you and your family never get left in the dark again. Whether you’re a homeowner, looking to go off-grid, or preparing for the unexpected, like I am, this is precisely how to keep your crucial equipment running when the grid goes down, even long-term.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family will have light, heat, air-conditioning, and be able to keep the refrigerator running, no matter what. This little known expert knowledge empowers you to choose the solution for your situation, set it up efficiently, and keep it maintained for long-term reliability. With The Lost Generator, power outages will become one less giant problem for you to worry about.

Don’t wait for the next blackout to strike, leaving you vulnerable or worse. Discover The Lost Generator now and get the tools and know-how to stay safe. Remember: your family’s well-being isn’t the neighbor’s responsibility. It’s not up to your friends or family to bail you out … and you absolutely cannot rely on the government to show up in time. The Lost Generator is the solution you’ve been waiting for.


Discover the 5 Minute Survival Blueprint course and get yourself prepared fast, easy, and inexpensively! It’s my gift from one prepper to another. 🙂


11 responses to “48 FREE Survival PDF Downloads”

  1. Ben

    Great info

  2. Ken

    Thank you very much.

  3. Keith

    Thank you for the downloads.

  4. Obis

    Is very important have this information ??

  5. Thomas Herte

    Vielen Dank

  6. diane Niki kuhr

    Interested in free downloads

  7. Mike Sanders

    The information you provided will help people to do the best they can in emergency situations that might arise unexpectedly anytime+ anywhere in the world such Ukraine, Africa, Asia etc.

  8. taba linko

    send me the PDF books

  9. David

    The bitly link on your youtube video is broken. no longer works. You should post this up on dropbox or something… I don’t know how to get around a free file sharing service

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